Two Rooted SistersTwo Rooted Sisters

Two Rooted Sisters

Ordering/Pickup Info

Please read the info below about ordering!
Please note shipping will be the default method shown in your shopping cart. Once you proceed with checkout you will have the option for pickup or to change shipping to Ontario vs Canada-wide. Keswick Pickup: Monday - Sunday 9am till 8pm Newmarket Pickup: Monday - Friday 9am till 5pm Markham or Barrie pickup may be available by appointment only. Please email prior to purchase to ensure we can arrange a pickup time. If you are unsure of pickup date/time please select your best guess and shoot us a message. We are always happy to accommodate your pickup as best as we can! Any plants in LECA/Moss can be transplanted to soil prior to pickup if desired. Please make request in comments on order. For shipping - flat rates are used for simplicity, if the difference in shipping is greater than $5 you will be refunded the difference.
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We accept Cash on pickup, E-transfer, Visa and MasterCard®

Shipping & Returns

Should you require shipping, by completing your order you agree to the contents of this policy.
• Shipping is available Canada wide except during the winter months. • Shipping is charged at a flat rate, if the difference of shipping is greater than $5, you will be refunded the difference. • You will be provided with a tracking number and receipt for shipping once it has been sent. • If you’d like an estimate on shipping please email *please note it may take us time to respond, plants in your cart are available for others to purchase. • Cancelled orders are subject to a 10% restocking fee. • We ship bare root or in moss as often as possible to keep shipping rates reasonable. • Live plants are perishable. Once they leave our care, the conditions they experience during transport are out of our control. We take all necessary steps to package your plant well to minimize damage during shipping. • All live plant sales are FINAL unless a damage claim is submitted by email or DM within 24 hours of receipt of the plant. • Please remember that shipping deprives a plant of everything it needs to thrive. Some cosmetic damage/root rot may occur.
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